Simon Thomas
Business & Economy
Future uncertain for e-liquid users, sellers
By Julia Berkman and Simon Thomas | November 20By Simon Thomas
AS Board talks student senate, Lobby Day
By Julia Berkman and Simon Thomas | November 20Illustration by Julia Berkman
AS Board talks Zero Waste, water bottles
By Julia Berkman and Simon Thomas | November 14Illustration by Julia Berkman
AS creates Student Senate
By Julia Berkman and Simon Thomas | November 7The Associated Students Board has reworked the organization of Western’s student government to add a new legislative branch, the Student Senate. This restructure was first considered three years ago but will take effect this year, quadrupling the number of elected student positions from seven to 28- giving students a stronger voice in the AS decision making process.
Counseling Center to hold drop-in infosessions in ESC
By Julia Berkman and Simon Thomas | October 31Front door of the Counseling Center in Old Main. // Photo by Kevin Lake