Students senators work solo
By Nicola Wasmuth | June 8After the first ever double election for the student senate and executive board in the spring, the Associated Student Senate has now confirmed the official winners.
Nicola Wasmuth is a second-year at Western and enjoys writing about social justice and the arts. When she is not reporting, Nicola enjoys making photos and plans to become a photojournalist through the Visual Journalism track at Western. You can reach her at
After the first ever double election for the student senate and executive board in the spring, the Associated Student Senate has now confirmed the official winners.
After a lack of students applied to run for the Associated Student’s Executive and Senate board elections, an extended deadline to apply was granted by the AS elections coordinator, Mario Alemi.
On Saturday, May 15, two groups came together outside the Bellingham Police Department precinct to voice their opinions on policing. One group came to show their appreciation and support for BPD officers, the other came to counter and advocate for the defunding of the police department. The First Amendment was on full display as both sides exercised their rights as American citizens to hold signs on sidewalks and shout at each other.
As fall quarter inches closer, the announcement of a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for Western Washington University has the housing department and health officials buzzing.
After the Native American Student Union made demands for a Coast Salish style longhouse to be built on campus five years ago, Western Washington University confirmed a proposal in August.
After off-campus parties caused COVID-19 cases to surge, Western Washington University confirmed that the outbreaks have been limited after imposed quarantines.