Tent encampment dedicated to local business owner following his death
By The Front | December 5The Winter Haven tent encampment will be located behind City Hall at 210 Lottie St. // Photo by Alexia Suarez
The Winter Haven tent encampment will be located behind City Hall at 210 Lottie St. // Photo by Alexia Suarez
AS Vice President of Academic Affairs Levi Eckman speaks with the Student Senate at their first unofficial meeting on Dec. 4. // Photo by Kenzie Mahoskey
Students ask questions to during a sit-in on Tuesday to protest the administration's response to racist graffiti appearing on campus. The students waited for three hours until President Randhawa appeared to answer their questions. // Photo by Oliver Hamlin
Intramural volleyball teams practice in Carver's upstairs C Gym. // Photo by Matthew Tangeman
A "For Rent" sign stands outside a house on North Garden Street. Hammer Properties owner Mike Hays said landlords can make more by renting to students. // Photo by Harrison Amelang
The new compost buckets are specifically designed with odor-cancelling ventilation. // Photo by Jaden Moon
The FBI has recently categorized Proud Boys as an extremist group “with ties to White Nationalism,” according to a Clark County Sheriff’s Office internal affairs report. Federal authorities are warning local law enforcement that the group is actively recruiting in the Pacific Northwest.
With its headwaters in the Twin Sisters, Skookum Creek is the largest contributor of the South Fork of Nooksack River, according to the Whatcom Land Trust website. // Photo courtesy of Amanda McKay and the Whatcom Land Trust
Restructuring, incoming personnel are among the changes. // Photo by Jaden Moon
By Simon Thomas
Emily Lang (left) and Emma Place died tragically in a hiking accident in August 2017. // Photo Courtesy of Laura Place
Illustration by Julia Berkman
Members from the Associated Students Queer Resource Center proudly display signs and sport colors advocating the nationally-observed Transgender Awareness Week from the ledge of the Red Square fountain on Tuesday, Nov. 15. // Photo by Brooke Wilson
A student walks by Wright's Triangle, where racist vandalism was recently erased on Nov. 19, 2018. // Photo by Oliver Hamlin
Illustration by Cole Sandhofer, background courtesy of North Coast Journal
“I swear my husband’s grandmother thinks that I’m fighting cyborgs or something,” cybersecurity major Miranda Skar said. // Photo illustration by Jaden Moon
Veterans for Peace and allies stand across from the Church of Assumption in silence. // Photo by Alexia Suarez