Weekly answers to The Front newsletter's question of the week. Sign up here and receive a weekly question AND driven student journalism delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023: Question - What's the best way to beat the summer heat?
- "Slurpees from 7/11" - Lauren
- "SpongeBob popsicle" - Joey
- "Eat ice!" - Ben
- "Learn to moonwalk! It will make you so cool" - Shannon
- "Beach days!!" - Kylie
- "Hose and no clothes (as is appropriate and fitting for the setting). Or window ACs" - Chris
Tuesday, May 9, 2023: Question - What song puts a "spring" in your step?
- "Bim Bom" (João Gilberto) - Questen
- "Goodbye Earl" (The Chicks) - Lauren
- "Yo Voy" (Zion and Lennox) - Rose Bolding Hunt
- "Crocodile Rock" (Elton John) - Kylie
- "Home" (Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros) - Melissa
- "Peggy Day" (Bob Dylan) - Ben Johnson
- "Style" (Taylor Swift) - Joe
- "Bad Boys" (Wham!) - Shannon
- "Kisses" (Will Joseph Cook) - Gryphon Heiner
- "Fishing in the Dark" (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) - Kelly Horton
Tuesday, April 25, 2023: Question - What did your 5-year-old self want to be when they grew up?
- "Paleontologist" - Elaina Johnson (Spring '23 Opinion Editor)
Tuesday, April 17, 2023: Question - What's your favorite local hiking spot?
- "Chuckanut Bay and Clark's Point!!" - Merlot Bingham
- "Fragrance Lake Trail" - Kieran Bresnahan
- "Stimpson Nature Preserve for trail running and an easy/accessible hike." - Sam Kristofferson
- "Samish Overlook" - Sophie
Tuesday, April 11, 2023: Question - What's your dream vacation destination?
- "There is a small surf town in far south west Australia, called Yallingup Beach. It has perfect white sandy beaches, great surf, and beautiful Indian Ocean sunsets." - Jeannie Martin
Tuesday, March 28, 2023: Question - What's your favorite way to celebrate spring?
- "Getting my hands dirty gardening and enjoying the nicer weather!" - Karen
- "Plant trees, and read 100 years of solitude starting in March finishing in April." - Steve Roll