About Us
The Front is the official, independent student newspaper of Western Washington University. News and opinion content is written, edited and published by students. Staff reporters are enrolled in a course in the department of journalism, but any student enrolled at Western may offer stories, photos or guest columns to the editors. The Front is primarily supported by student fees.
Please contact The Front’s editors with any questions, comments or concerns about this site or our coverage of Western, Bellingham and Whatcom County.
Want to submit a guest piece?
Check out these guidelines we created to help start a guest piece. After review of the above guidelines, submit this form indicating your agreement to The Front's guest piece guidelines. Please submit the final piece to westernfront.opeditor@gmail.com.
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Direct inquiries to our advertising department. advertise.thefront@gmail.com
Kie Relyea relyead@wwu.edu
Official social media accounts
Facebook: The Western Front
Instagram: @thefrontonline
Editor in Chief
Franny Vollert (she/her) is the editor-in-chief for The Front this quarter. She is a junior double majoring in news/editorial journalism and sociology. She likes to read, go on walks and spend time with her friends.
You can reach her at frannyvollert.thefront@gmail.com or eic.westernfront@gmail.com

Managing Editor
Ava Glaspell (she/her) is the managing editor this quarter. This will be her fourth quarter on The Front and her third quarter as a member of the publication staff. In addition to reporting for The Front, her work has been published in Klipsun Magazine. When she's not in the newsroom, she can be found climbing, drinking coffee or exploring the beach.
You can reach her at avaglaspell.thefront@gmail.com or me.thefront@gmail.com

City News Editor
Ayden Sweat (he/him) is the city news editor for The Front this quarter. He has previously been a reporter and the photo and video editor for The Front. Ayden is in his fourth year at Western, studying visual journalism and minoring in anthropology. Outside of the newsroom, he hosts a radio show at KUGS-FM Bellingham, cooks, and explores the outdoors.
You can reach him at aydensweat.thefront@gmail.com

City Life Editor
Madi Tessem (she/her) is the city life editor for The Front this quarter. She has been an editor for the past three quarters and was previously a reporter last fall. In her free time you can find her painting, reading or hanging out with her cat.
You can reach her at maditessem.thefront@gmail.com

Campus News Editor
Austin Wright (he/him) is the campus news editor for The Front this quarter. He is a third-year journalism/news editorial major and previously reported on campus news for The Front. Outside of the newsroom, you can find him playing ultimate frisbee, watching soccer or hiking.
You can reach him at austinwright.thefront@gmail.com

Campus Life Editor
Mars Wetzbarger (they/them) is the campus life editor at The Front this quarter. They are in their fourth year and studying environmental studies/journalism. In their free time, you find them climbing rocks, being near water or hanging out with their cat.
You can reach them at marswetzbarger.thefront@gmail.com

Sports & Recreation Editor
Aiden Luhr (he/him) is the sports and recreation editor for The Front this quarter. He is a senior majoring in journalism: news/editorial. In his free time, Aiden likes to hang out with his friends, watch and play sports and play video games.
You can reach him at aidenluhr.thefront@gmail.com

Opinion and Outreach Editor
Oren Roberts (they/them) is the opinions editor for The Front. They have a professional background in sustainable agriculture and will graduate with a degree in news/editorial journalism this year. Oren's writing has been published in The Front and The Salish Current. When they aren't locked into the editing process, you can find them cooing at their fermentation projects or donning their wetsuit to paddle the Salish Sea.
You can reach them at orenroberts.thefront@gmail.com

Copy Desk
Zen Hill (he/him) is a copy editor for The Front. He is a senior at Western who has had his writing published in Klipsun and The Northern Light and has had his photography published in the Bellingham and Everett Heralds. He has worked as a play-by-play commentator for WWU Athletics for the last three years. Zen is also the voice of the Bellingham Bells. In his free time, he collects sports cards and plays the guitar.
You can reach him at zenhill.thefront@gmail.com
Jenna Millikan (she/her) is a copy editor for The Front this quarter. She is a Senior majoring in journalism (news/editorial) and minoring in political science. When she's not writing, she enjoys cheesy movies, reading and drinking too much coffee.
You can reach her at jennamillikan.thefront@gmail.com
Seddie LeBlanc (they/she) is a copy editor this quarter. They have previously reported and edited Campus News and edited Opinions. Seddie is in her fourth year at Western studying Journalism and minoring in Law, Diversity and Justice. In her free time, Seddie enjoys being outside, being with buddies and reading Substack.
You can reach them at seddieleblanc.thefront@gmail.com
You can reach all copy editors at copydesk.thefront@gmail.com

Diversity and Inclusion Outreach Editor
Neisha Gaskins (she/her) is a third-year student at Western studying news/editorial journalism. This is her second quarter with The Front, previously working as a campus life reporter and now as the diversity and inclusion outreach editor. When she isn’t writing, Neisha spends her time reading, making jewelry and sorting her recycling.
You can reach her at neishag.thefront@gmail.com

Photo and Video Editor
Eli Voorhies (he/him) is the photo and video editor. Majoring in visual journalism, this quarter marks a full year of working for The Front. In his freeetime, he likes to lose track of time in the photography dark room and shimmy up rocks.
You can reach him at eliv.thefront@gmail.com

Visual Artist
Kristina Mendoza (she/her) is a graphic artist/graphic designer for The Front. Mendoza, born in Seattle, WA uses her education within visual journalism to help fulfill imagery that publications want to have accompany their stories. In her spare time, she finds herself drawing, knitting and/or hiking with her friends. For further inquiries, visit kristinatherese.myportfolio.com.
You can reach her at kristinamendoza.thefront@gmail.com

Social Media Editor
Claire Tomeoka (she/her) is the social media editor this quarter. She is a senior majoring in communication studies and minoring in psychology. This is her first quarter on The Front. In her free time, Claire enjoys fostering dogs, photography, and spending time with her hamster, Jonathan.
You can reach her at clairetomeoka.thefront@gmail.com