Over 300,000 protesters took to the streets to advocate for environmental justice at the People’s Climate March, in 2014. Leaders and policymakers are beginning to implement the concept and work grassroot coalitions have been pushing for years. // Photo courtesy of Robert van Waarden, Survival Media Agency via Flickr.
January 29Tim Cox and Jon Goslan fix a leak in a tiny house in Bellingham, Wash. Maintenance work is done by the residents of HomesNOW!’s villages. // Photo by Steven Colson
January 29The shore at Drayton Harbor on Friday, Jan. 17, in Bellingham, Wash. Drayton Harbor is usually a good place to harvest manilla, butter and native littleneck clams. // Photo by Eli Voorhies.
January 29The Office of the Attorney General in Old Main at Western Washington University on Tuesday, Jan. 28. The Office of the Attorney General was instrumental in the creation of the updated policy. // Photo by Eli Voorhies