By Julia Berkman The Associated Students Board met on May 4 and discussed a poll Western residents took about safety on campus, presented by VP for Student Life Annie Gordon. The poll, created by AS Productions Assistant Director for Marketing and Assessment Micah Rubart and compiled by Resident Hall Association, got 779 responses out of 4,000 on-campus residents. On a scale from one to ten, residents thought that overall residence hall safety was at about a seven. A big problem Gordon and the RHA identified was students leaving doors open or holding doors for non-residents. Last October, someone was found trespassing in the women’s bathroom in Kappa late at night. According to a Western Alert sent out by Paul Cocke, director of marketing and communications, the intruder was not believed to be a student at Western. Gordon’s goals for next year include a restructure of the green coats. She wants there to be designated green coats for each area of residence. Right now, Gordon said green coats are under utilized, with more than three-quarters of students in the survey saying they have not used their service. Another solution that was on the table was installation of security cameras in residence areas. Almost a third of students felt uncomfortable with the idea of cameras. Almost all students said they liked the current way Western Alerts were sent out, over email and text.