Julia Rutledge
Running for vice president for activities
Major: English
Below are excerpts from an interview with The Western Front. Why do you want to run for AS? “I already work in the AS as a board assistant and I actually work as the assistant for the position that I’m running for. VP for activities is the position that I know the most about. I hadn’t really considered running until I went to Viking Lobby Days and after that I felt empowered to do something with the AS. I’m really passionate about the AS, specifically the parts of the AS the activities works with such as the club system and the activities council, which I sit on. I am an officer in two clubs on campus so I think the club system is a really important part of Western and it’s something that should get support and more people should know more about.” What issues do you want to tackle? “The club system specifically, making it easier for students to understand. Right now people feel can like it’s a little bit inaccessible, a little bit bureaucratic. So I want to try and make the process of requesting funds and creating a new club to be a little easier and a little more comprehensive for students. I know that can be a big barrier. For a lot of students, being in a club is their only interaction with the AS, so having that interaction being one that is as positive as possible will help them to have a better view of the AS as a whole.Note: Universal account log in required.