Friends, students, Bellinghamsters, lend me your eyes. A new era of life advice is upon you and the time has come to solve your problems. Welcome to Libby’s Corner, a safe place to send your secrets or troubles so they can be publicly read alongside the sage advice of The Western Front’s very own opinion editor. Want tips on saving money? Want to ask out that TA with the most spectacular booty you’ve ever seen? Need help planning a romantic night? The answers are out there, all you have to do is stand in front of a mirror, say “Libby” three times then send an email to The following questions were submitted by Western Front staff members.
Dear Libby, My boyfriend and I have been dating for a couple of months, but I'm already feeling him pull away. Last night when we were watching a movie, he was scrolling away on his phone. When he went to the bathroom, I found the Tinder app on his phone and saw that he was active "one minute ago." ONE MINUTE AGO, LIBBY. What should I do? Sincerely, Tied up in Tinder Dear Tied up in Tinder, I see a couple of options for you:
- Get back on his account and rewrite his profile to include hobbies like dead fly collecting and warming up various kinds of fish in communal microwaves.
- Bake some laxative cookies, put them in a basket and deliver it to him right before he goes to class.
- Glare.