Q&A with student protester harnessed to Shell vessel for 63 hours
To protest Shell Oil Company's planned drilling in the Arctic, Western student Chiara D'Angelo chained herself to a Shell-owned oil vessel, the Arctic Challenger, from May 22-25 over Memorial Day weekend. The Western Front followed up with D'Angelo to get her take on her experience.
Q: Where are you from?A:Q: How long have you been, or considered yourself to be, an activist?A:Q: How involved have your parents been in your activism?A:
Q: We spoke at the impromptu kayak rally Thursday night. Was this plan in the works at that point?A:Q: What was it like once you got up there?A:Q: So, you got the 2-by-4 and you got the hammock. At what point did you get the hammock?A:Q: What did you think about and do to keep yourself entertained up there?A:Q: Did you sleep at all up there?A:Q: What are you plans for the future?A:Q: What advice would you give young activists?A: